A FAD is something that is quickly picked up and widely used and then goes out of
fashion very quickly.
Fad is very cheapily produced on a mass scale, it has to be made cheaply because the
trends are forever changing, and people won't be wiliing to pay for something that may
only be in fashion for 1-2 months.
The fabrics are also usually very cheap and therefore the garments never last very long.
The main example of FAD fashion is Primark. Possibely the cheapest clothing store in
world yet loved by young people as it is affordable. Thats the thing about Fad fashion
it is very much marketed to a youth market.
When designing for a fad market a designer must be thinking about current trends and
designing them with a easy and quick way of manyfacture.
Personally i can not stand FAD/Primark as i think it is so cheap and dispossible, i'd much
prefer to save for a few weeks and buy one or two dresses from a high street shop like
french connection that i know qill last and that i will get more wear ot of.

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