Today I have been scanning my images into photo-shop and started editing them.
I started with this image as its a piece i did free hand from my own ideas ... ( and own Louboutins).
Its the average night out with the girls to our favourite place,Gusto with plenty of cocktails and girly gossip.
The original drawing once scanned in was very dull and undefined, therefore by using photo-shop I could adjust the contrast levels, making the white background brighter and the pencil lines darker and stand out more.
I then started adding texture and colour by using tools such as liquefier and smudge stick, to achieve similar looks to the real object but slightly more interesting, by qualifying the Biro lines round the cocktail glass all the colours in the ink were picked out giving a swirly effect, almost like when a liqueur is added to a spirit.
I have now filled in the rest of the shoe using the brush stroke techniques and using a range of styles layered up to create the rough effect of glitter from my shoes.
I also used the plastic wrap tool on the glass to give a more realistic look.
When trying to achieve the glitter sugar on the lip of the glass I used the noise tool as this gives a very colourful speckled effect however it didn't look quite right.
I then found out my finding a simple glitter image from the internet I could turn this into a pattern template to then be used as a fill effect in photo-shop.By highlighting the rim of the glass with the magnetic lasso I was able to fill just this area with the pattern.

I am really happy with my first image created using photo-shop as I haven't used the programme since GCSE yet still feel the textures and patterns I managed to gain really suit the image.
I started with this image as its a piece i did free hand from my own ideas ... ( and own Louboutins).
Its the average night out with the girls to our favourite place,Gusto with plenty of cocktails and girly gossip.

The original drawing once scanned in was very dull and undefined, therefore by using photo-shop I could adjust the contrast levels, making the white background brighter and the pencil lines darker and stand out more.
I then started adding texture and colour by using tools such as liquefier and smudge stick, to achieve similar looks to the real object but slightly more interesting, by qualifying the Biro lines round the cocktail glass all the colours in the ink were picked out giving a swirly effect, almost like when a liqueur is added to a spirit.

I have now filled in the rest of the shoe using the brush stroke techniques and using a range of styles layered up to create the rough effect of glitter from my shoes.
I also used the plastic wrap tool on the glass to give a more realistic look.
When trying to achieve the glitter sugar on the lip of the glass I used the noise tool as this gives a very colourful speckled effect however it didn't look quite right.

I am really happy with my first image created using photo-shop as I haven't used the programme since GCSE yet still feel the textures and patterns I managed to gain really suit the image.
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