By seeing things like this is shows how some shapes and fits of dresses have been re-worked at updated, for example how a large bustled dress that the queen wore in her early rein, to this amazing dress by Vivienne Westwood in the 90's. This is one dress I could quite happily stare at ALL day. I find the volume and colour so amazing it reminds me of a dress I would of imagined a fairy godmother to wear when I was little.

The dress and this childlike element gave me the thought of using childhood memories as a collection, in my sketchbook I've made a collage of childhood picture from times such as Christmas' and birthdays and even found a picture of myself in a Christmas frock with a full emerald green taffeta skirt just like this Westwood dress.
The other item in the exhibition I thought was marvelous was this fully tailored Paul Smith suit

I have a Paul Smith obsession at the best of times, but Paul Smith in menswear is like art, the way he tailors his suits and the linings in the jackets are so precise and smooth it just makes it that little bit smarter. Thinking a Paul Smith men's shirt may be getting added to the shopping list !!